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Kindersessie 01 - Avontuur in Hellehal

De vraag naar kindersessies is al eens naar boven gekomen, en daarom willen we graag onderzoeken of er interesse is om deze in de toekomst vaker te organiseren. Lijkt het je leuk om mee te doen aan onze allereerste kindersessie? Ben je tussen de 8 en 13 jaar oud? Dan ben je van harte welkom om met ons mee te spelen!

Sessie 01: Avontuur in Hellehal

Ga op avontuur in een mysterieus en gevaarlijk doolhof vol geheimen, trotseer bizarre en uitdagende wezens, en speel de held door Ulma te helpen met het voltooien van haar belangrijke bestelling. Durf jij deze spannende uitdaging aan?

Vervoeg ons op woensdag 15 januari van 14u00 tot 16u00 voor deze D&D ervaring, in de WEC (Ketelvest 51, 9000 Gent).. We vragen dat je steeds de contactgegevens van de ouder meegeeft. EN ook is de inschrijving pas finaal na ontvangst van de betaling voor de drankjes!

Character level 1
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Act 2: Session 9: Arrival in Gracklstugh - Rerun

As the first Blue Monday of the year is behind us and the pie of the Three Kings has been thoroughly digested, we look forward to welcoming you to a session of D&D! Having reached level 9 at the close of 2024, it’s time to gain even more experience and continue leveling up in 2025. Let’s make this year an epic one!

Session 9: Arrival in Gracklstugh

Thinking of your recent travel you realize it was quite uneventful all things considered, since leaving Blingdenstone's bunker it has been relatively smooth sailing. Gracklstugh now lies ahead of you, the grand city of blades. Here you will be official emissaries, you will meet the mighty king of the city, and you will forge alliances against the Abyss. Finally things start to really be looking up, for sure this time. Definitely, probably. Plus, whatever happens here cant be worse then Sloobludop or Blingdenstone right? Well you will just have to see you think, as you approach the massive stone gate.

Dont feel like playing D&D. Well we have some Pathfinder for you aswell

Pathfinder 2E

For your petty crimes of thievery, the Holy Nation of Lastwall has decided you are NOT to be hanged, but to join the "Volunteers Program" instead! Will you and other adept miscreants accomplish a deed that is too dirty for the self-righteous paladins of Lastwall? Is your good worth more than what is good for the world?

Join us on 15/01/25 at 19h00 at Worlds End Comics for the first rerun session of Act 2: Uncovering the Rot! If like us you are hooked on a feeling of wanting more DND, make sure to follow us on all platforms. And don't forget, we may be in the middle of a wild adventure, but we are always happy to have new faces at our tables no experience needed.

Character level 9
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The Broodmother’s Effigy - Session 5: Unravelling the plot

As the plot thickens in our main Saturday campaign, some of our DMs will seize the opportunity to experiment with new and exciting systems. The year promises to start strong and bright, and we hope you’re ready to embark on this thrilling journey!

The Broodmother’s Effigy - Session 5: Unravelling the plot

Do you believe in coincidence? Things randomly occurring with a flick of fate? A game of chance, like dice rolling on a table? Cards being pulled from a random deck? Or do you think the multiple appearances of similar rare objects in a very short time might allure to something more? MIght point to something more pressing? Like a party crash landing at high speed into the vast Jungle of Chult. Following the footsteps of a few individuals, busy gathering a set of particular masks. All whilst escaping the fury of a green lightning-fueled dragon that probably doesn’t fit through the teleportation circle they jumped through. Right? Right?

Not in the mood for our usual campaign? No problem, perhaps something darker beckons you:

CoC : The Earth's Beckoning

2286-10-23T02:49:23Z, WARNING, Monitoring system reports 12 hours since last signal from UID07194361432 (Dr. Vasiliy Petrov). Location of last signal... prison mining colony Krasnoyarsk Delta-7, Siberia, depth: 10.000 meters below the earth. System dispatching mission briefing to Argos Security for investigation and retrieval...

Save the date for an unforgettable evening! Join us on Saturday, Januari 18th, from 19:00 to 23:00 at WEC (Ketelvest 51, 9000 Gent).

Character level 5

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