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Upcoming events

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Free RPG Day 2024

Free RPG Day works with top RPG publishers to create the can’t miss RPG event of the year at hobby game stores around the world.

Join us at Outpost Gent on Saturday 22/06 and Sunday 23/06 from 11 am until 11 pm and discover a whole new world of RPG's from different companies around the world!

Be sure to sign in so we know how many of you to expect!

Register for this event 
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D&D Gent Workshop - Character Cosplay: Dressing for Success

Have you ever wanted to dress up for a D&D session? Maybe embody parts of your character's look or go hog wild and dress as close to your characters as you can. In this workshop we'll let people who have experience with cosplay tell how they go about dressing up and hopefully you'll go home inspired!

Info on the event:

  • Hosted at Outpost Gent, Ottergemsesteenweg 13
  • From 19:00 till 22:00 on Saturday July 13th
  • Everyone welcome, people who have never cosplayed, people who have some experience or have a lot of experience

Make sure you sign in so we know how many people to expect!

Register for this event 

Past events

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